Payments GPS payment summary box

The payment summary box appears in the top right corner of the screen. It displays critical data at a glance, for example, the instructed amount of the payment, credited amount, wire charges and so on. The summary box also contains some useful links.

Payment Summary box

The payment summary box contains the following:

  • Swift Message—This field is displayed only if the payment is being processed via the Swift network. Click View Message to display the associated Swift message.

    View Swift Message from Payment Summary box

    On the Swift message, click COPY TEXT if you want to copy the Swift message and send it to any interested parties. The message is saved to your clipboard in the same format as it appears on the screen.

    Click anywhere on the screen to close the Swift message.

  • UETR—The UETR (Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference) is the reference number that is associated with the payment's Tracker ID or Wire Reference. The Copy to Clipboard link allows you to copy the UETR to your clipboard so that you can use the UETR elsewhere.

  • Instructed Amount—The currency and amount instructed by Corpay.

  • Credited Amount—The amount and currency credited to the beneficiary. This value comes from the confirmation event when the transaction status is Delivered, that is, when the payment is credited to the beneficiary. Until that time, this field is empty.

  • Total Deductions—The total of all the charges deducted in each bank box. The amount is displayed in the payment summary box in the instructed currency. This amount is updated each time the payment moves from one bank to another.

    If any of the charges were deducted in more than one currency, each currency and amount is listed separately.

    Summary box deductions in two currencies

  • Payment Charges—Indicates which party pays the wire charges.

    • BEN—Charges are paid by the beneficiary.
    • OUR—Charges are paid by Corpay.
    • SHA—Charges are shared between Corpay and the client.